Pre-Launch Begins 01/22/2024  
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Summit Goes Live: March 7-9, 2024 - Mark Your Calendar Now!
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$2.00 Per Lead = 2,000-2,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
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$2.50 Per Lead = 3,000-3,499 Opt Ins/Registrants
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Summit Launch Promo Calendar
Email Swipe Files
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Before Launch
{First Name}...
Just for you {First Name}...
Concerned That Your Practice Isn't Growing, {First Name}?
Want to Skyrocket Your Revenue? [Watch This]
Tired of Struggling with Practice Management?
Do You Want to Enhance Patient Care?

<< -- BODY -- >>

{FIRST NAME}, are you still looking for help so that you can stop struggling with practice management?

If so, here’s something that you’ll want to check out and reserve your virtual seat while it’s still free: 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit ← INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE
(Reference Link: []

Talk Soon,

[ Signature Name ]

P.S. It was created by a friend of mine, Noah St. John, and it’s exclusively for chiropractors, practice managers, and healthcare entrepreneurs.

Before Launch
{First Name}, have you seen this yet?
[FREE] - 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit
[Gift] - 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit
7-Figure Chiropractor Summit - [Your Free Pass]
{First Name}, Mastermind With These Chiropractic Business Experts - FREE… [details inside]
Falling Behind in Practice Growth? Unless You Attend The FREE “Virtual” Event… [Ticket Inside]

<< -- BODY -- >>

You're gonna REALLY like this {FIRST NAME}…
(Reference Link: [] )

It's a 3-day virtual summit of chiropractic business experts who are speaking on overcoming challenges such as improving patient retention and increasing practice efficiency.

After hearing what these experts have to teach, all you have to do is put it to use in order to start seeing a radical transformation happen before your eyes.

The best part about this online summit is that it’s free - but only for a VERY short time!

Be sure to register here while the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit is still free.

( CTA Link Text: [Register Here For Free] )
(Reference Link: [] )

I’ll be there too!

Talk Soon,

[ Signature Name ]

P.S. Imagine what life would be like if you just got this one thing right… you could finally stop worrying that you're missing critical marketing strategies or that you're struggling with patient retention.

This summit is free but only if you claim your pass now… Don’t wait on this one!

It’s time to transform your practice so that you can achieve your dream of financial freedom once and for all.

(Reference Link: [] )

Before Launch
Are You Watching The 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit?
Do You Have Plans Yet On March 7-9?
{First Name}, Did You Register Yet? [7-Figure Chiropractor Summit]
Do You Want to Enhance Patient Care?
The Answer to Overwhelm, Uncertainty, and Stress...
Still Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed, {First Name}?

<< -- BODY -- >>

Hey {First Name},

I felt compelled to send you an email to make sure you knew about the most important event for chiropractors and healthcare entrepreneurs happening March 7-9 … by far.

My friend and event host, Noah St. John has allowed me to pass along this free registration link to you, so be sure to give this a quick read and set a reminder to attend this free online chiropractic business training event.

No travel, planes, lost baggage, over-priced hotels or anything that is going to take you away from your family!

This FREE online event will help you…

Increase Your Income
Attract More Patients
Adopt Cutting-Edge Technology
Build Strong Referral Networks
and Master Stress-Free Practice Management


You will find hidden revenue generating opportunities in your practice...
You can learn stress-free practice management...
You will explore innovative patient treatment techniques...
And Much More...

Noah St. John called in some serious favors to get 25+ expert presenters together for this free 3-day online event, created exclusively for chiropractors.

I would love it if you took just 30 seconds to go here and grab your virtual event ticket to the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit while they're still free…

==> Click here to learn more. ← INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE

The 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit truly represents A NEW WAY of managing a chiropractic practice, with systems and strategies that SIMPLY WORK.

This isn’t chiropractic business “theory” — this event will reveal THE NEW FOUNDATION for thriving practices in today’s crazy and ever-changing world.

Without these strategies and systems in place, you and your family could suffer needlessly. And to be frank, both Noah St. John and I want a lot more for you than that, and I know you demand more for yourself as well.

So, if managing a successful practice without feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or uncertain again, appeals to you…

…or you just want to be a “fly on the wall” and learn how other successful chiropractic professionals are managing their practices so that you can apply what they’re doing to...

Implement Effective Marketing Strategies
Enhance Patient Care and Retention
Leverage Cutting-Edge Technology
Develop a Winning Mindset
Maximize Revenue with Effective Pricing Strategies
And More

Go here and grab your free virtual ticket while it’s still free.

==> Read More Here (Important) ← INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE

[ Signature Name ]

P.S. I still believe you want to make a real difference in the world and master stress-free practice management without sacrificing patient care, right?

Well, frankly speaking, if figuring all of this out on your own may not be your strength… don’t worry!

Most chiropractors that I’ve met over the years are in the same boat as you.

That’s why Noah St. John and 25+ other experts are offering to coach you during this live event, along with the TOP chiropractic business leaders.

To put that value into perspective, chiropractic business gurus charge upwards of $2k for training resources that are not even as good and definitely not targeted to transforming your getting that kind of attention, along with all of these speaker's time, is an enormous value...


Just make sure you act quickly, as they only have a limited amount of time to get in for free, and they are looking to pack in as many savvy healthcare professionals as possible…

Before Launch
{First Name}, BIG News… [Personal]
{First Name}, You can’t miss the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit...
Are you really going to miss this, {First Name}?
{First Name}, the clock is ticking down… [Less Than ___hours]
For Chiropractors Only… [7-Figure Chiropractor Summit]
Free Pass: 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit

<< -- BODY -- >>

Hey {First Name},

I’ve just rec’d word that something BIG is about to happen in the world of chiropractic business and you’re now on the inside, since I just had a peek “behind the curtain”...

On March 7-9, my friend Noah St. John is launching the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit that will help chiropractors get the tools and strategies necessary to transform their practices into thriving businesses.

Here’s your link to register now - while it’s still free!


When you see the topics being covered by these 25+ world-class chiropractic business experts, you’ll understand why the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit is going to be an absolute game changer for those who attend!

You’ll discover exactly how to overcome your toughest challenges, such as believing that...

You're missing critical marketing strategies.
You're struggling with patient retention.
You're left behind in adopting new technologies.
You face challenges in scaling your practice.
You lack the knowledge to maximize your revenue.

And get this… after you attend and apply what you learn, you won’t need to worry about feeling uncertain, overwhelmed or confused anymore.

Noah St. John has lined up 25+ world-class experts in chiropractic business for a LIVE 3-day online event like no other.

And the best part is…

…It’s FREE for you to attend!

Unlike conferences and hotel seminars that you have to invest time and money to travel to, you can attend this cutting edge online virtual summit from anywhere in the world. Cool huh?

No booking flights, rental cars, and hotel rooms, no dealing with layovers, lost luggage, and no missed work or time away from home.
Instead, from the comfort of your home or office or wherever you choose to listen in, you’re going to learn exactly how to…

Implement effective marketing strategies.
Enhance patient care and retention.
Leverage cutting-edge technology in your practice.
Build strong referral networks.
Master stress-free practice management.
And so much more...

Now, all that’s left to do is to [Claim Your FREE Virtual Ticket Here] before time runs out. (← LINK YOUR AFFILIATE LINK TO “[Claim Your FREE Virtual Ticket Here]”)

You’ll need to reserve your digital seat to attend so that we can send out a reminder to you about the event on each day. That way you won’t miss any of the talks and all the extras that come with them.

The 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit is going to be awesome!

Simply [Click Here] (← INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE) to reserve your seat before life gets in the way and you forget…

Talk Soon,

[ Signature Name ]

P.S. I want to help Noah St. John get the word out about the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit and you’re one of the first to know!

If you wouldn’t mind sharing the free registration link via email or social media with a few others you think would benefit, they’ll also be able to claim their own free pass… I’d really appreciate it! (Plus you’ll look like a superhero for being the first to share!)

Here’s the link again that you can share:

Before Launch
{First Name}, Stop Struggling with Practice Management...
{First Name}, Still Trying to Increase Your Income?
{First Name}, Struggling with Practice Management is NOT Cool Anymore!
Kick Your Uncertainty To The Curb…
Overcome Your Overwhelm With This…
Falling Behind in Technology Unless You Have This...

<< -- BODY -- >>

Good news {First Name}!

Over the next few days, you’ll be hearing a lot about this 3-day online virtual event called the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit.

It’s the only one of its kind, focused on helping even experienced chiropractors who want to transform their practices into thriving businesses.

The host of the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit, Noah St. John, is a friend of mine who gave me a link to share with you so that you can claim your “virtual” seat at the online event for FREE!

Here’s your link to claim your seat and [register here before it’s too late]. ← INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE

Once you register, you’ll get a link each day to the free summit talks.

Just make sure that you don’t miss out on this one!

See you there,

[ Signature Name ]

P.S. If you're really experiencing difficulties efficiently managing your practice or working to enhance patient care, then I encourage you to dive into this innovative and game-changing 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit.
Before Cart Close
SUBJECT LINE: {First Name}, are you going to… [CLOSING]

Hey {First Name},

I was just checking in with you to find out if you had claimed your VIP Pass yet...

…since time is running out to get access to the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit recordings. That’s right… even if you missed the summit, you’ve still got a chance to see it!

You can [still get access here] ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}}
LINK before we close the doors on Saturday at midnight.

As a VIP Access Pass holder you’ll have access to the event recordings PLUS some amazing bonuses as well!

The 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit truly represents A NEW WAY of managing a chiropractic practice, with systems and strategies that SIMPLY WORK.

…But you have to act fast before the doors slam shut on this one.

If you still have some lingering questions, you can simply respond to this message and I’ll do my best to get back to you in the time we have left.

Or, you could just get your VIP Pass now before you miss out since you’re covered by the “Iron Clad” 90-Day Guarantee. This way you’re covered no matter what!

[Here’s your link to claim your VIP Access Pass.] ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}}

Talk Soon,

[ Signature Name ]
Cart Closing, Last Day
SUBJECT LINE: {First Name}, are you going to… [CLOSING]

Hey, {First Name},

Did you grab your VIP Pass for the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit yet?

Since today is the last day to get access to the recordings, transcripts and bonuses…

…you can still [get access here] ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}} before we close the doors today.

As a VIP Access Pass holder you’ll have access to the event materials... so you can STILL check out the WHOLE summit even if you missed a day!

…but you have to act fast before time runs out on this one.

Go ahead and claim your VIP Pass now before you miss out. And no need to worry because  you’re covered by the “Iron Clad” 90 Day Guarantee.

[Here’s your link to claim your access pass.] ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}}

Talk Soon,

[ Signature Name ]

P.S. You won’t be able to get your VIP Pass after midnight tonight, so be sure to grab it now before you forget. [Click Here to Get Access] ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}}
Cart Closing, Final Hours
SUBJECT LINE: {First Name], LAST CHANCE… [Closing Soon]

Hey, {First Name}!

We’re down to only a few hours left and I’m a little worried that some of you haven’t claimed your VIP Pass for the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit yet.

I’m hoping that you get in on this soon so you don’t miss out!  Here’s your link one last and final time to [Claim Your Access Pass]. ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}}

If you’re still on the fence for any reason, let me take away the risk on this one…

I guarantee that you’ll be so glad that you took the leap of faith and got in while you still could!

How can I do that? Well, there's a 90-Day "Iron Clad" Guarantee for the 7-Figure Chiropractor Summit.

[Simply Click Here] ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}} to take advantage of the VIP Access Pass now before midnight when the doors close.

Talk Soon,

[ Signature Name ]

P.S. I happen to know that VIP members are getting some pretty awesome bonuses, too, so you definitely don’t want to miss this one! [Claim Your VIP Pass Here] ← {{INSERT AFFILIATE LINK}}

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